Northern Finland: Heidi Toviainen

05.08.2024 hrs 18:28
Visual artist Heidi Toivainen works in Komus’ house in Oulu. She studied in Liminka Art School, at Konstfack in Stockholm and she has a Master of Arts degree from Lapland University in Rovaniemi.

Everything started with drawings, where the silent and concentrated mood made her forget everything else. Soon, painting became her main way of expression.

20 years have passed since the first exhibition and Heidi has been a full-time visual artist for 13 years. 
Routines are important. Heidi arrives at her studio, puts on her work coat and gets down to business.
Disciplined work and regular office hours suit her. Heidi works by doing and not waiting. You learn and develop by doing, and then the work will guide you forward. 

One artwork leads to another. Houses, and environments related to buildings and everyday things, such as chairs and lamps, are seen in Heidi's paintings. The rhythm of colors and shapes are very important and she has an interest in architectural design.

When Heidi paints she finds her own peace, her own space in her own world. There is room for coincidences and art changes through doing. There must be peace of mind, time and continuity so that you can explore and see what you can find, says Heidi. She does her art immediately, playfully and not at all with a frown. However, painting is a great challenge, uncertainty is part of the work and there is no set pattern. Making art is both terribly inspiring and exhausting at the same time.

The colors play a big role and their internal rhythm is a challenge. Heidi paints many layers with oil paints, in order to thereby achieve intensity in the colors.

For 11 years Heidi used to work in Hiukkavaara. The artist is grateful that customers nowadays know that they can find her in Tuira and get in touch.  Art is easier to approach if you can discuss it with the artist. 

Heidi is a social person and she likes to meet people. When you work alone, it is even more important that interested people come to visit. You can see into the studio through the large windows. Every week a changing group of children from the surrounding area visit Heidi's study. Also, colleagues come to visit.

Heidi thinks the timing of Konstrundan and the marketing materials are very good. She is also fond of Konstrundan as a whole and she has been a participant since 2020.

For Heidi, work is a calling and of course, there are ups and downs. Being an artist is, above all, a lifestyle for Heidi and she invites art lovers to get in touch outside the Konstrundan weekend as well.

Ami Avellán