201. Sirpa Ojala - Galleria Kerimanni

Sirpa Ojala, Maisema365, rug hooking, 20x20, 2023, Pentti Ojala
Sirpa Ojala tekee rug hooking teosta 2023, Pentti Ojala
Sirpa Ojala, Jäätilanne 3. akryyli 2023, 45x55, Pentti OjalaSirpa Ojala, Maailma käsissä, keramiikka 2023, 24x15x26, Pentti OjalaSirpa Ojala, Vähä Vehkasaaren kesä, guassi 2023, 31x31, Pentti Ojala


kerimannintie 44
29630 Pomarkku




Ceramics, Crafts, Graphic art, Painting, Textile

Information about the artist / the group

I am visual artist Sirpa Ojala. I live and work in Pomarkku in our home, which has been called Galleria Kerimanni since 2005. I make art as a profession, mainly acrylic paintings but also gouache and watercolour paintings and ceramics. My main project at the moment is rug hooking Maisema365 pieces. I participate in joint exhibitions and hold solo exhibitions whenever possible.

Program during Konstrundan

I have an art exhibition on two floors of the house and visitors can also visit my studio . Visitors are invited to participate in the Konstrunda raffle and we will distribute the magazine. Works and products can be purchased from the artist.
Coffee will be served.

Driving directions

When coming from Pori towards Vaasa, turn onto highway 23 towards Parkano. At Pomarku, turn left onto Kivijärventie towards Siikais. Drive approx. 9km and you will come to Kerimannintiepää, where you will see the signs Galleria Kerimanni, Uimaranta, Kerimannintie. After 440m, you will be in the yard of the red house, which is Galleria Kerimanni.