8. Antti Nieminen - Rehulan ateljeepaja


Mantereentie 934
54920 Rehula




Community art, Crafts, Design, Environmental art, Forging, Precious metals and jewellery art, Sculpture

Information about the artist / the group

I am a master blacksmith, goldsmith and visual artist from Taipalsaari. I make sculptures, jewelry and metal art, and fulfill customers' wishes as commissioned work for both public places and private homes. By working with metals, I convey feelings, tell a story, improve the world.
I handle all metal alloys and precious metals, with professionalism and appreciation. In addition to new creations, I restore and repair metal sculptures and antiques.

I strive to improve the world through aesthetics. Quality, humanity and taste of life are the guiding values ​​of what I do. I want to consider sustainable development in my products. Since the imprint of my hand will be visible in the works for thousands of years, it brings its own responsibility.

Program during Konstrundan

Outdoor exhibition, work demonstrations,blacksmith's children's cafe offers refreshments and local food

www.vaskitsa.com, Facebook: taideseppä Antti Nieminen, Instagram: taideseppa