219. Päivi Hintsanen

Yksinkertainen onni - Simple happinessArbetet med Kopperrostörtagård installation
Työskentelyä Vaskenruosteyrttitarha-teoksen parissa.
Working with Copper Rust Herb Garden.
Salmiakkiprinsessa - The Princess of Black DiamondsSt. Helenan perijätär - The Heiress of St. HelenaViisas - Wise


Keskustie 21 LH 2 (katutaso)
40100 Jyväskylä


Graphic art, Others, Spatial art, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

I'm a fulltime visual artist. I make art, because I need to. Ideas for images and stories just come in my mind, and I'm creating these in multiple forms: as pictures, text and installations. From technical point of view the most important thing is to be on a continuous journey of exploration. Content-wise the thematic approach to my art is important. Studying topics and themes and writing process go hand in hand with making the visual art pieces.