116. Meri Kukkavaara – Kirkkonummen Taidemökki

PuukuvaTuulen tuivertamana syntyy uusia ajatuksiaTaiteilija inspiraation ja värien keskelläKorpp' on viisain mustasulka, sysimäellä syntynyt / akryyli 100x140cmHauki


Pappilantie 1 b
02400 Kirkkonummi


040 5405940


Photography, Others, Painting

Information about the artist / the group

I received my classical art education in the renaissance city of Florence.
Lately I have been very curious about symbols in art and spent a lot of time studying them, and in my newest paintings you can find (not the most common) symbols creating their own ensembles.
What can you find on the branches of the Tree of Freedom and Vigor? Or the Tree of Love and Courage?
I think images and symbols feed our thoughts, and thoughts lead to actions. With this in mind I have wanted to create paintings that strenghten certain good qualities in us with their symbols and energy.

Program during Konstrundan

I will have an exhibition of my works (paintings, cyanotypes, photos, collages) and I will arrange a few workshops both days where the participants can make their own concertina painting workbooks.

Driving directions

The Art House is accessible from Volsintie (below the house), just a few steps up from the walkway.