112. Sari Nikola - Taidepuisto Villa Vanamo


Karhusuonkuja 20
02570 Siuntio




Ceramics, Environmental art, Painting, Sculpture, Spatial art, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

I have been sevetal times before in Konstrundan. There is several numbers if pictures about my art in internet if you are intrestered to gpogle.
Nowadays the Villa Vanamo's artpark is the main thing in my art. Besides a little I can do in my garage and I have one ateleeroom in my house where is possible to look at.

Program during Konstrundan

In my garage will be some paintings and sculptures to see/by? But main point will be to present surroundings in the park and off course possibility to look into my atejeroom.
There is always something little to drink and eat.

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Maaseudun sivistysliitto Uudenmaan ITE taiteilijan + virtuaalikartta

Driving directions

Villa Vanamo is in the end of the road in Siuntio