83. Jaana Sarpaniemi



Henry Fords gatan 5 K/ Henry Fordinkatu 5, K-rappu
00150 Helsingfors/Helsinki




Ceramics, Design, Painting, Sculpture, Visual arts

Information about the artist / the group

I have graduated in 2002 as a ceramics artisan from Yrkesinstitut Sydväst, Tammisaari. I graduated from the School of Advertising Graphics in 1982. I have continuously acquired training in image making under the guidance of several different art teachers, e.g. At Aalto University's open university, at Tampere summer university's Serlachius in Mänttä, at courses organized by Helsinki artists' society and associations. I see my art-making as a playground, where I can choose the channel of expression and the end result that suits the play at that time, whether by painting or sculpture. When painting, the works can surprise both me and the viewer with their own form, composition, contrast. Making sculptures is more planned, form and matter with the laws of physics set some kind of bounda

Program during Konstrundan

In the studio, you can watch my ceramic sculptures being made, and you can also make a mini-sculpture out of clay if you wish.

www.jaanasarpaniemigalleria.wordpress.com, Instagram: @jaanasarpaniemi

Driving directions

From the Laivakatu side, from the building's parking lot, you can reach the K-stair. Tram 6 terminus is nearby.