247. Carina Ahlskog - RIAN - Art Studio

Performance Ups and Downs, 2022, av Carina Ahlskog i samarbete med Alpo Aaltokoski Company. Fotograf Cata PortinCarina Ahlskog instruerar dansarna i  performancen SPRING, Chicago, 2024. Fotograf Mikael AhlskogPerformance Ups and Downs, 2022, av Carina Ahlskog i samarbete med Alpo Aaltokoski Company. Fotograf Cata PortinPerformance GA ME ME, 2023, av Carina Ahlskog i samarbete med Regionala danscentret i Österbotten. Fotograf Ken KackurPerformance MURMURATION, 2022, av Carina Ahlskog. Fotograf Ken Kackur


Vexalavägen 683
66950 Munsala


+358 50 351 4683


Perfomance, Sculpture, Spatial art, Video and media art

Information about the artist / the group

Carina Ahlskog, visual artist and performance artist. Ahlskog has a background both in modern dance and in physiotherapy, which means that in her artistic practice she is investigating the moving body and choreography in the context of contemporary art. By using the visual art context as a venue for choreography and dance she explore her surroundings, a search for new bodily movements where the meeting and the presence are central and the tension lies in the interaction that occurs. She is looking for a dialogue with her environment. Something she calls ”Embodied Spaces”. Her main art expressions are performative art, video and sculpture.

Program during Konstrundan

My work will be presented in an exhibition.